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Monday, November 25, 2019

Sometimes you win until you lose

I wanted to make a casserole dish...a gift.  It took forever to dry to just be bisqued.

 And then I glazed it and quickly waited. Yes that means the 20 minutes of glazing then sat through 3 other glaze kiln-loads before it got in one. About 3 days actually. I was pleased that it got done that fast.


Well, just look closely.

A crack appeared that doesn't go through to the outside, but makes it not able to be cooked in, and thus not giftable.  (Cracks mean bacteria can hide there, so it's not food safe.) I may keep it around to keep my humility rate up.  Geese. I think I'll try again!


  1. Hello, it looks lovely, you can always use a casserole dish. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

    1. Well, the crack means that microbes/bacteria can grow in there, so it's not food safe. It might be a planter after all.

  2. was well worth the wait.

    1. Thanks, but I cant' give it to my family, because cracks in the finish can't be cleaned enough for food.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well, that stinks. Maybe you can find another use for it.

  5. It's infuriating sometimes when you know you have done everything right.but live and learn!


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