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Monday, March 2, 2020

Winter flowers

Earlier photo before the last bloom opened.

 Sitting for photo in the window with the lavender plant, my second set of blooms on this Phalaenopsis.

 And some succulents and a bit of a fairy to welcome it

 A the snow melted outside, it was nice to have a friendly flower inside - which seems to want out of it's pot already...reaching through the holes that I provided at least.

And I took a photo the day before snow fell...

These daffodils are in a pretty sheltered place, so may just shrug off a cold night and be happy with sunshine when it returns.


  1. oh my word those are lovely, Bonkers destroys any plant inside except the snake plant

    1. Thanks Linda...but you get to enjoy a cat in all his antics!

  2. Hello, the orchids are beautiful. I wish I had a green thumb. Pretty plants. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

    1. I think these plants are just about done with sittin g on windowsills and will be glad to be outside again soon. A couple more months...ahhh.

  3. ...what a gorgeous orchid, it seems happy.

  4. LOve your orchid! ♥ I have i kitchen window full of them, in diffrent colors. So pride of all the flowers. :-)

  5. It's such a joy when they rebloom! Lovely pictures!


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