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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Happy Oestra, Spring Equinox

Yes, today finally there is as much daylight as nighttime. We have been dreaming of this for weeks...sharing our first blossoms together, sighing that this is so slow this year. But I looked at some of the blooms around me, and found they are within a day of when they bloomed last year.

Perhaps my yearning is what has grown longer, deeper, definitely more intense.

 March 20, 2018

March 23, 2019

March17, 2020

If I were disciplined enough to walk every day, I might have actual days through the years, but these are pretty close.


  1. Hello,

    Beautiful blossoms and photos. Happy Spring. Enjoy your day!

  2. And a felicitous Oestra to you, Barb.
    Thanks for the blooming pictures. They brighten our gloomy day of rain here.
    We are several weeks behind you but my foundation daffodils are blooming and the crocuses are up and buddy.

  3. It is such a relief..and a blessing

  4. lovely, our pears are just starting to bloom even though we face south

  5. And what a beautiful Spring it is! One of the first where the blooms haven't been frost-bitten.


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