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Friday, March 20, 2020

Exercise and the mountains

March 23, 2018. One of my favorite views of the Blue Ridge Mountains. At least I was walking around the lake at that time, I think. That's one of my goals for this week of isolation, to get walking again! With my chronic cough, I'll wear a mask just so people won't think I'm catching...and of course my breathing will be limiting me to walking a flat trail. I salute all those who can actually hike in these beautiful mountains. I just didn't move here until I was already incapacitated.


  1. Hello, what a beautiful view of the lake and mountains. I guess we all should keep up with the exercising, keep moving it is good for you. Stay safe and healthy! Enjoy your day and weekend ahead.

  2. ,,,now that I'm home walking outside shouldn't be a problem. We live in the country and and there are few people out.


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