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Monday, March 23, 2020

Goals during the time of Covid-19

Do something I've been putting off.
Every day.

I wake up and think, this is what I'll tackle today.

Then I go divert myself on the computer, and the day is over, and maybe I've managed to do the tasks that a daily life requires, but seldom the "targeted and needed thing." However, I've cleaned out the aquarium, so 6 little beings are happier.

So I'm going over to one blog for the next few When I Was 69.

And I'll still be reading all my blog friend's posts, and commenting on them. That's what I like to do while I do my nebulizer treatment twice a day.

I also need diversions and not inspiration; kittens and puppies please. Seriously, I am having to skip those of you who post such beautiful sayings, poems, quotes, which I usually like. I will probably be back.

Bye from here, for now.


  1. Kitten and puppies, that is cute! Take care and enjoy your day!

    1. Actuallly I enjoy all critter posts...I forgot to mention the many birds that are posted!

  2. We do what we can to stay mentally healthy! Kittens and puppies and laughter!

  3. ...and want to learn to play the ukulele.


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