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Friday, January 10, 2020

Native American rituals

More art from the James Museum of Western Art
St Petersburg, FL

 Barbara looking closely at one of her favorite paintings.

 Another of Barb Baker's favorite paintings. It reminded me of the movie "Last of the Mohicans."


  1. Wow, beautiful artwork. I love the Round Dance, Evening Embers and the Magic Thunder. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

    1. Isn't the artwork beautiful? I'm glad that some of it was actually created by Native Americans.

  2. The artwork is absolutely beautiful. My favorites are the same as Eileen's. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Me too, and I missed (somehow) getting a shot of Barbara's favorite...I guess I'll have to go back sometime.

  3. Such beautiful work! White Americans have long admired art about and by our indigenous people--while at the same time allowing those same people to be treated shamefully. Sad.

    1. I agree completely...this museum represents the collection of works by some rich white people who admired Native art, who apparently have 3000 pieces and only have 300 on display here. At least they probably helped feed a few Indians when purchasing their work. I was happy to see so much work by Native Americans on display.


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