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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect!

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Sunday, December 10, 2017

It snowed - I bundled up to go take pics!

You've probably seen everyone's snow pictures by now.
Dec 8, 7 am...a bit of snow on the ground, some still falling!

On Dec. 8 I was planning to drive a half mile to the Owen Middle School and set up a 6 foot table with pots (out of tubs which I could bring into the building on my little plastic wheeled cart, right over clear asphalt).  That didn't happen.

My friend Sally and I texted back and forth and went out in the snow in our respective homes, before we were supposed to drive over there...deciding that it was already more than 3 inches and still falling.  Neither of us are afraid of driving on snow...she's just moved to Black Mountain from Michigan.
Before noon, the walks were still somewhat clear (though it was a slush not just wet)

However there was nobody clearing the private drive in my apartment complex.  And I had seen someone shoveling another walkway, but apparently they were just residents.  My walk was still covered.  That private drive goes down a steep hill, and I remembered last year going down it somewhat sideways.  The other entrance is onto Blue Ridge Rd. which is a narrow 2-lane road on a steep hill going down to Hwy. 70, with very deep ditches on each side.  It hadn't been plowed at that time.  Around 5:00 pm I did see a plow come by.

My little red bow on the front porch had a top hat of snow

The walks began to have snow on them...and cars were completely covered
And it kept falling...

And it kept falling

But by 4 we decided to cancel our plan to go to the show.  If it was going to continue the next day, there weren't likely to be many people driving to a craft show.  We would find out the next day, but our decision at 4 pm on Fri. was that Mother Nature wasn't supportive of our going to this show.

The cars are completely covered after I'd cleared mine off in the morning.  And another 3 inches was expected to fall after dark.

The other significant thing was that the temperature had hovered near freezing all day, but would go much lower during the night, so any slush would be freezing overnight.

So Saturday did follow...and MORE SNOW FELL TILL AROUND NOON.

 The concrete walks didn't seem as bad due to it being close to freezing still. But the slush under the white was somewhat slippery.

Just nine inches on my porch railing.

The weather man just apologized all over the place, whichever of them you look at.

Here comes the little feral cat (which we've had fixed and the manager now feeds)

I gave the car a snow-cut, in case I decided to go anywhere...nothing was planned at this point.

This round of snow has now predicted at noon.  But that weatherman (whoever he/she is) also said it's due to freeze and maybe snow more Sat. night.  We just got a dusting that time.

All I can say is, church has been canceled for Sun. morning.  Whew.

I've become a Santa's helper. I hope my techno fashionista game-playing children and grandchildren won't mind that I can only give them used books this year.  Well, it's better than pottery, I'm thinking!

Today's Quote:
Hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up.  Mark Mullimax, Prof of Religion at Mars Hill U.

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