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Friday, December 15, 2017

Beautiful snow through the years

Sepia Saturday this week- swings with snow!

On Dec. 8 it started to snow here.  I loved taking pics of the first snow of winter...and I had ample opportunity.
Dec 8, 2017 Black Mountain NC 7 am

But it also means that North Carolina shuts down when it snows...all the schools, the Black Mountain Center for the Arts, the Clay Studio.
Dec 8, 2017 Black Mountain NC 9 am

It is a feature of our litigious society, I figure.  If kids have to stand out at a bus stop on a mountain road (and some of them are very steep and curvy around here,) there's danger of a bus/car/truck sliding about and someone getting hurt, or at least very cold.
12.8.17 Black Mountain NC 9 am

So our schools all shut down at the first inkling of snow, and many times that means a decision is made at 5 a m based on a storm due at noon, and it never comes.  But this time there was snow on the ground when I woke up at 7 am.

So let's go venturing into files to see more snows from the past...which is what Sepia Saturday is all about, after all!

1946 my first snow in Dallas TX
1948-9 Mom shoveling snow into a pile, while cousins Claudette and Sandra try to form it into a snowman and I just watch on! Houston Texas at Gummy and Poppy's house,
1953 snow in St. Louis, our apartment on 2nd floor.
St. Ann MO, probably 1956-7

One of my early snow sculptures - St. Ann MO 1956-7
1950 Applachian snow storm Thanks to NC Expatriates for photo

Appalachian Snow storm 1950 Thanks to NC Expatriates for photo
My youngest son in his first snow, Lumberton, NC 1986-7

My first snow in new apartment Black Mountain NC, Nov 2016
Come check out more Sepia Saturday posts HERE.

Today's quote:

"Children [...] need both windows and mirrors in their lives: mirrors through which you can see yourself and windows through which you can see the world," she explained. "And minority children have not had mirrors. That has placed them at a disadvantage. If you want to call white children majority children - [they] have had only mirrors. That has placed them at a disadvantage also." By Lucille Clifton 


  1. That must be why I keep doing Sepia Saturday, providing some of those much needed mirrors.

    1. So glad you do, Kristin! Some of us have decided to leave something for the next generations, whatever we have to give them.

  2. Lots of fun pictures of children experiencing snow for the first time, and pretty pix of first snows. First snows are always the best, somehow. Those that follow can be great too - some far deeper and more impressive, but there's just something kind of magical about the first snow of the season. :) I always take a picture of the first snow!

    1. Me too, Gail...everyone can't wait to get out in the fresh clean snow when it first falls! It even smells so different!

  3. We rarely get snow where I live and it certainly never piles up. Lovely photos.

  4. It’s great for me to vicariously enjoy the snow in your part of the world through these photos. It never snows here and is warm all year round. Do I miss the snow? No!


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