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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year to all!

My cat watcheth over me...while I have bronchitis.  I may be tardy posting for a while.  The fever is kind of fun...I decided yesterday that my brain has dry spots in it. I had a dry mouth, nose, throat, so it stood to reason!

May the very best outcome be reached in each area of our lives, and the evils which are so prevalent be vanquished by the simple truth of love.

 Have courage,
and a dozen other things I can't think of right know what they are, what we need for 2018.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Rooster with sunshine

Sun flowing through a lovely stained glass rooster in a gallery in Tryon, NC giving color to the wood tabletop. The horse outside across the street is a clue that it's the town which is horse crazed.

Submitted to Weekend Reflections HERE.

Today's quote:

It is vital to take action on your goals in life rather than just daydreaming about them.

Friday, December 29, 2017

2017 Memories with friends and family

Water ceremony at French Broad River, Asheville, NC

Selfie at Water Ceremony

Black Mountain NC

Spanish conversation class at Lakeview Center, Black Mountain NC (And I got in the pic, back row center!)

Marina Raye, good friend, cat lover, talented musician, pottery lover

Helen and Teresa framing my selfie (I lied, I wanted to use if for my blog, not just for you all!

Great friend Martha, who I visited in the spring who fosters dogs and cats frequently!

The wonderful gardening crew at UUCSV this spring, who planted and watered and set up beauty around the grounds.

My first year not being a member of the MudBuddies, I visited their booth at the Tailgate Market frequently
My oldest friend Rosie and her hubby George. She and I went to high school together and email daily now.
Just a few of my Facebook Friends (I didn't keep all 275 for you to see here!)

I have a very good friend with clinical depression, and I'm so glad to have her be part of many events in my life.

The choir of UUCSV of which I'm no longer a member, but I love the music they make, with Linda Metzner the leader shown playing piano and leading.

Teresa and I meet for coffee weekly, to take an hour out of our busy lives and just sit and chat...really good for mental well-being!
Molly and Sarah, good pottery friends (and cat lovers)

My good friend who shared two pottery shows this year, Cathy on L.

Grandchildren Cayenne and Will, who both graduated with AA's from Hillsborough Community College this year!
Grandson, Michael, who posts interesting stuff on Facebook!

Son Marty and his lady, Barbara
Son, Marty and his father, Doug on right (look alikes)

Son Russ climbing rocks of Little River in Brevard National Forest

Mom and daughter, Cinnamon and Cayenne

Son Russ and his wife, Michelle, (in back) and children (l to r) Caroline, Kate and Audrey (with grand-dog, Cody)

Son, Tai and his lady Kendra hamming it up a bit
Zora, the latest grand-dog, lives with Tai and Kendra
 Black Mountain Center for the Arts Clay Studio participants
 Bette, Cynthia, Sarah Ann, Dori, Larry and Theresa. (top left to bottom r.)

 Molly, Pat, Carie, Theresa, Fred, Michelle, Sally, and Frieda (top left to bottom r.)
Jim, Gail, Cindi, Barb(me) Marsha, Amelia, Suzi, Paul (top left to bottom r.)

Teachers: Geoff, Mathilda and Charles

There were another dozen students who I missed getting pictures of, who took only 6 weeks of classes.  Since I spend a few hours a day in the studio, it's likely I met them all, and apologize that I didn't capture their photos.  I always assumed they'd stick around!

I may not have a photo of all my family and friends...but please know I cherish every minute we spent together in 2017!