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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Music and sunshine

Yesterday people started sharing music. I got into the swing, and chased some of my favorite pieces on YouTube. There was one choice of Yo Yo Ma which were "Greatest Hits" and I got 2 hours of lovely music. Here's the link, in case you also like his cello.

Life changes.

For me, I'm never finished with all I want to do in one day. There are so many projects I start and can't seem to finish.  They sit all over the apartment. I'm reading at least 3 books, one of which will be snatched back to the library system, and I'll put it on hold so I can download it again to read digitally. The books stacked about on shelves and tables remind me that I could read them as well!

Instead I planned to sit for a few moments in sunshine, embracing the moment. I picked up the mail, dropped the rent check in the dropbox, and came right back inside. The air had that acrid hot tar smell, from the road being repaired. Not to mention a high pollen count which I knew, but wished wouldn't bother my breathing. Oh well. I came back to enjoy my slice of pie for lunch with Yo Yo Ma. Why not?


  1. ...Yo Yo Ma is like a breath of fresh air.

    1. And no pollen! Sigh. I love fresh air and sunshine, but want to keep the cough at a manageable level. That's why a mask works!

  2. Hello, the music is lovely. I have allergies year round, spring can be awful. Pretty view of the sky and blossoms. Take care, stay safe! Wishing you a happy weekend.

    1. Hi Eileen...I looked at your critters today...there were already over 30 comments so I just smiled and didn't join in. I'm glad lots of people read your blogs! Have a great "safe" weekend.

  3. Yo Yo Ma -- especially when playing bach -- is one of my favorites.

    1. I actually found a couple of the pieces in this selection that I didn't like...some modern stuff.

    2. I struggle to enjoy modern music--no, I misstated. I don't enjoy modern music for the most part.

  4. We have enjoyed some local musicians doing live FB concerts. I have so many projects going on, some for fun, some for work that need to get done... seems everything is moving in slow motion.

  5. A slice of pie with Yo Yo Ma sounds wonderful. Yes, we did not go down into the canyon floor bed as it was pretty hot that day and we were really trying to keep our social distance. I am sure it is even more spectacular look up from the bottom.

  6. we're all in limbo, I've been tending my vegetable plants, having to cover them each night because I jumped the gun planting them too early. Not doing much pottery, don't think I'll be selling at the market this year, too risky for me. At least we have a few days of sun, rained so much this year. Be well.


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