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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Driving for spring

 Driving a bit in Montreat NC.

 Driving along First St. in Black Mountain, NC

And the Primary School has just busses sitting in the parking lot. All the children are at home, and maybe doing some learning. I wonder what percentage actually are still doing school work.

Today's Quote:
Physicists are made of atoms. A physicist is the atom's way of knowing about atoms. -George Wald, scientist and Nobel laureate (18 Nov 1906-1997) 


  1. ...I understand that my grandchildren are having a tough time doing their school work.

    1. It would be difficult to create the disciplinary structure at home to keep kids focused on school work, I think. My son who works in a high school said his students had had 3 weeks of spring break so far. He was hoping to have video conferences with them - but didn't have high hopes.

  2. Hello, love all the pretty spring colors and blossoms. We have seen the school buses parked on a lot too, they look lonely. Take care, have a happy day!

    1. It's still a beautiful spring out there. Happy week to you and yours. I know your feeders will attract some pretty birds.

  3. Thank goodness for Spring! It's a positive something in this unpleasant time.

  4. nice to see all the flowers growing


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