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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dr. Martin Shaw

I wish his writings were more available here.  I want some of his books. I blogged about spirituality and myths earlier HERE.

In the meantime, I love listening to his interviews or lectures when they are published on various web sites.  Yesterday I found this one that was posted on a blog, Love is a Place, with a Youtube availability.  I am happy to pause it as I like to think a while on some of his statements.  He always makes me think.

It is a bit strange when it starts with a double screen, and he's listening to someone else read from his book along with us.  But I survived that part...

Part of the description on YouTube says:

Dr. Martin Shaw, one of the great master storytellers of our time, discusses the mythology and meanings of our current cultural moment and the global coronavirus pandemic. Interview host Ross McKeachie got ahold of Dr. Martin Shaw in his cottage in Dartmoor, UK, where he was on the 10th day of 14 days of isolation before being able to go home and see his daughter. With the COVID-19 pandemic at the top of everyone's mind and Dr. Shaw, fresh off of a 101 day ritual in the forest and now taking time to reflect, they tap into a state of wonder around the current mythology unfolding in the world..."


  1. ...story telling may be a dying artform.

    1. Around here there are story telling performances, and I know at least one story teller. I hope it continues.


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