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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Women decorate themselves

 These are some of the ornaments which we shared as our own decorations last Sunday. I was pleased that everyone was willing to share their jewels. I am supposed to make them into a collage, but I don't have the photo program I used to use any more, and that means I can't do it. So I'll just share them all here for a place to remember seeing them

 I'm including this very out-of-focus shot of a beautiful necklace, since I think the blur is another way that the force of it's meaning comes through. Who knows...

Having beautiful braids on her head, one woman didn't wear any jewelry. I think her braids made a beautiful crown.


  1. ...yep, men are from Mars and women are from Venus!

    1. So, women are more decorative? And yet just as powerful.

  2. Hello, pretty ear rings and jewelry. I like the hair braids, looks cute. Enjoy your day!

  3. I like the first one and the one with the crystals, I used to wear earrings but rarely any more

    1. I find myself without decorative jewelry more than with.


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