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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Giving my opinions...oops

 Here is the new owner (Edward) who purchased Rachael Clegg's painting.

I like Katherine' ceramic sculptures, but cringe at using plastic leaves (which she incorporates often.) Somehow that just makes it tacky to me. I'm a bit old school I guess.

This was one of the best portraits in the show. If I were a judge, that is.


  1. I cringe at plastic leaves, perhaps some fabric ones with wire to stiffen them

    1. I know, silk flowers/leaves, seem more realistic to me anyway!

  2. I wonder why the plastic leaves are her choice rather than make them from clay. I have a necklace that Jeff gave me for my birthday some years back. The pendant is a beautiful sculpture of mixed metals. The artist is vegan and chose to suspend it from a rubber cord and plastic beads that adjust it's length. The cord never lays flat so the piece doesn't hang nicely. One of these days I will restring it on a leather cord and replace the plastic with clay beads.

    1. Yes, we sometimes run into a reason for the materials someone uses, and I never thought of maybe that as the reason for the plastic leaves! When one pays that much for a piece, one expects materials that are worthy of that value, though.

  3. I'm with you in turning up my nose at the plastic leaves.


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