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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Monday, April 9, 2018

The rest of our wildflower trip

We couldn't remember what these leaves promise to have blossoms you know? I'm thinking Galax plant.  I asked our friendly park worker if there were any galax in this area, and was told a short no. Maybe they are worried about their being dug out, or it wasn't polite to talk about them, as florists like to use them a lot, and I've heard they are protected.
Oconee Bell
Maybe Solomon's Seal leaves, white flower Chickweed?


Trout lily on left foreground, Foam Flower at top
Northern White Violet

Hepatica again
I admit to being confused often with bloodroot and Hepatica and other tiny white flowers.  Helen pointed out that bloodroot had purplish square sometimes I could tell what I was looking at.  But by the time I got to sorting the photos, I asked for her help, and again got confused.  So you all can certainly help clarify any mis-labeled little beauties.

And since I call my business in pottery Alchemy of Clay, here's a post about the alchemy of color...Prussian Blue.  (Haven't looked for it in glaze yet...)

Today's quote:

Our walls of division do not rise all the way to heaven.
Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow

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