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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Surprise at the Overlook on the Parkway

 A quiet time sitting at my favorite overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway, about a week of those first really warm days.  It's about 10 miles from my house.  Looking down on these nice farms, or just homes in a cove, I never saw a car going along, nor a person.  Just found one big brown dog who loped along from one house to another for a while.

There were some guys in a California SUV with a tripod and video camera set up, and I thought they were just doing an interview type thing with the overlook in the background.

I kind of ignored them while I sat there.  But as I was about to go back home, I noticed they were giving instructions from one to another, and then there was a third presence.

Yep, a drone was flying around (just to right of sign).  It makes a fan kind of sound, whirring as it moves in any direction.  I remember hearing one when I was at a Woman's March in January.  They take photos as part of the equipment. Mmm, my inner 1984 paranoia reared it's ugly head.


  1. they are intrusive...but invaluable in many tv programme productions now

  2. Interesting. Many parks have rules against drones.


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