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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Nature is calling me to waterfalls and flowers!

Some of the wonders that I saw were tiny little white flowers.  I didn't know most of them, but my friend Helen did! And we looked in her book of wildflowers.  And also we had a chat for a few minutes with a park employee who knew everything that grew at Pearson's Falls Park, Saluda, NC.

The steep trail is mostly steps, along side of the stream below the falls, but as we were stopping about every 25 feet to look at flowers, I never got tired once I was on the trail.  If I had tried to climb it straight I'd definitely gone pretty slow anyway!

Of course my shots with my phone aren't anything like the many other photographers with tripods and lenses as long as my arm were able to take...but I am pretty happy to share a few of them with you.

There are railings and fences wherever the trail has a drop-off on the side.  That's Helen back down the trail checking out something beautiful, and I'm sure I went back to see what it was!
And this spot of beauty only has the wildflowers in the earliest spring, before the canopy is full of leaves and sun no longer hits the ground.  The last week of March, first week of April are probably it's best times.

OK, Helen wanted me to capture these leaves, but I no longer know why.  After I ask her, I'll add the answer here! We remember that Andy, park ranger, told us this would be blooming later, but we forgot what it is!

Beautiful ferns were stretching after a long winter's sleep.
Spring Beauty is the name of this little one, usually more white, and there were a lot of these tiny flowers near the falls.

 The long leaves on the left are probably the Searsucker Sage plant (no flowers at this time.  The tiny little yellow flower is maybe a trout lily.  And to the right you can see 2 red/purple triliums.

Pearson's Falls is a beautiful cascade, and with spring rains recently it was flowing very well.

One photographer was excited to show us the a very damp place that's full of different kinds of plants.  I am not sue which of these green things is a liverwort, actually.

 Helen was intrigued by these plants with strange dark flowers.  We found out it was Blue Cohosh.

There were few flat places along the stream, but I liked this one.

I had a broken front tooth (waiting for a dental appointment the next day) so I'm surprised I smiled with my mouth open so a snaggletooth selfie should be in everyone's repertoire.

Today's Quote:
Enveloped in Your Light, may I be a beacon to those in search of Light. Sheltered in Your Peace, may I offer shelter to those in need of peace. Embraced by Your Presence, so may I be present to others.


  1. what a wonderful walk and photos.

  2. What a beautiful walk! I can't see the mystery leaf photo as well as I'd like, but the leaves remind me somewhat of some kind of waterleaf (Hydrophyllum spp.). We have Pacific Waterleaf out here in Oregon (Hydrophyllum tenuipies), but I know there are species native to the eastern half of the U.S. If you solve the mystery you should post about it for us plant obsessives!

  3. Thanks Michelle, for your guess. I'll check my local wildflower books and see if there's a waterleaf among the mountain wildflowers.


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