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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Not much red out there

A blond and green autumn.  The maples in the foreground haven't gotten the message yet, last week when I took this photo.  And there are some mid-level trees completely bare, letting this shot go all the way to the slopes on the other side of the valley.

The south sides of trees, looking up the hill from patio outside the laundry building
Downtown Black Mountain had one brilliant tree at least!

I so welcome the ridge of mountains in view again across the valley.  The southern exposure of our trees may have the color, because when the sun shines through it, there are a few red leaves!  Everyone is saying fall color is at it's peak now, very late this year!

A bit out of focus, but there's my finger included, so it's my "selfie" for  Facebook these days.

But someone cut some lovely dahlias and they were sitting in the hallway of the Center for the Arts the other day, so I did capture some reds "inside."

And after last Saturday's long rain, this was how Sunday morning looked outside!

Today's quote:

"We have to face the fact that either all of us are going to die together or we are going to learn to live together and if we are to live together we have to talk."


  1. Same here -- though the burning bushes are kicking in at last.

  2. It amazes me that from one valley to another the colors vary so much. Far too many of our reds have turned brown instead, but we do have the occasional bright red here and there.

  3. Not enough summer sun to build up sugars in the leaves..then they need a cold snap...


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