And a cafeteria through a doorway with more booths! All inside where it's warm and dry!!!
Saturday Dec 2, 2017, from 10-4 pm!
At times the McDowell High School is more crowded, but if you come later to beat the crowd, you may miss some of the best buys! Admission is just $5.
Some of my pottery last year, in the booth I shared with Cathy Babula!
A sampling of Cathy's work!
Cathy on left, myself on right at, last year's Appalachian Potter's Market.
This year we have more beautiful work to offer all who are looking to have gorgeous hand-crafted pottery to share and use in their own, or their loved ones' lives!
It is sponsored by the McDowell Arts Council. Here's an article about the 30th Annual market in 2016!
Today's Quote:
There’s nothing “ordinary” about decency, courage under
fire, compassion, tenacity, lion-heartedness, and that is what is being
called forth in a moment – a deeply mythic moment – like this.
Martin Shaw
hope you sell a lot, nice to be indoors