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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect!

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Friday, November 17, 2017

Decisions, decisions!

There are all these pots.
And all these tubs.
And just a few which one should go where?

I've got too much to decide.  It just makes my brain burn...sizzle...overload, you know!

So I sit down at computer, look at the list of places I show my pottery.  Try to figure out what should go where.

Let's just start with one thing.  The first place I'll have something for sale.

Well, I did it! I packed one tub for the first show on Dec. 1, the Holly Jolly events on the afternoon/evening...which is such a fun time here in Black Mountain.  Some of our "student work" will remain outside the gallery in the hallway until January for sale.

Then I ran out of price tags, and went out shopping.  Soon I'll have everything tubbed up.  Packed in tubs, I mean.

Today's quote:

You have made me so rich, oh God, please let me share out your beauty with open hands.
zEtty Hillesum
Ancestor for today:

Daniel Poor Jr

BIRTH 1624  Marlborough, England

DEATH 8 JUN 1689  Andover, Essex, Mass

An early colonial immigrant from England.
My 8th great grandfather on my Ada Swasey Rogers family tree.

The following is included in the materials on Ancestry...and his daughter
Martha married Joseph Granger, and many generations of Grangers are cousins of mine!  This resource comes from The Comstalk-Thomas ancestry, and I don't know of any Comstalks in my tree!  So having an ancestor in common means we must be distant cousins.

There are more children listed of the Poors of Essex County, Ma in the early 1600s.
For now I'll leave you with this information.  There are lots more hints (little green leaves attached to people's names that mean something else is available on Ancestry about that person!)


  1. my pottery is all in tubs but labeled by what is in the tub, small vases, leaf plates, large plates, etc. and I take a ton of tubs to each show, but coming up I'll be at two shows the same day, how? Gary will do one I'll do the other, so I'll have to divide up the ware into two sets, we shall see.

  2. Oh are so organized. I got all the mugs in one tub at least. And now have 3 place tubs...a tub for 3 different places, labeled and inventoried. Whew. Just the biggest show to still price and pack for. And some things will have to stay home since I just can't lug tubs (ha ha) that weigh a lot. Great that you all are covering 2 shows at a time!


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