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Thursday, July 4, 2019

What energies come to counteract the basic question I'm asking?

Come along with me this week as I explore a Tarot Card Reading and how my inner psyche relates to it! Yes very personal, but also political, environmental and even somewhat humorous.

The crossing card in the Celtic Cross spread of Tarot cards was the Son of wands (aka Jack of clubs)

After considering the primary card of the spread, there's a card that crosses it...which says the energies of that primary card need to be aware that there's another current pushing it in a different direction than perhaps it intended.

This card reminds us Pagans of the Horned God, or Pan, an entertainer, a male who is comfortable in a female society.  Here life is celebrated in an untamed is part of everyday existence.

How would Pan go against the Devil? Well, we see his energies in cartoons about Trump all the time.  Just this week Ivanka has been painted into several old gatherings (including a last supper painting) as she was so inappropriately part of the G20 photograph with her father!

The Devil represents an opposite kind of energy, straight laced, rigid, where the Son of wands wants to have everyone feel better about life.  It doesn't approach the misuse of power so much as tickle us as we try to find alternatives.

When I consider my basic question about aging and changes, a Pan type energy gives me the chance to sit back and relax for a moment, to consider that I have a sense of humor in the face of everything that I fear and am angry about.


  1. I am really enjoying these posts and your insights into the cards.

  2. A sense of humor is invaluable in trying times.


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