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Sunday, July 28, 2019

The work that wasn't

 I started a new mandala form the other day, and the concentric rings aren't pleasing yet, so I haven't tried to design anything on it.  I may just chuck it back in the bucket.

 On the same day I started this one, which needs to have more carving on the mountains, and some texturing as well.  I should have worked on it today.  But life interfered.

The 5 piece mandala is almost dry, but not quite.  Several of the pieces seem bowed up in the middle, which is the opposite of what I expected.  We shal see how it fires.

Life's interference was strange. Saturday I had all these mandalas to work on, but my hands were kind of jittery. I had trouble breathing so used my inhaler. Maybe asthma? But still didn't feel right. Then I noticed my face felt hot, and was red and flushed.  That meant the sun block I'd put on (for the first time this year) was causing some irritation.  I decided it was an allergic type reaction, tried washing it off with water and a napkin.  I ended up putting everything away and going home where I could do hot water and soap removal.  My face still was flushed for another coupe of hours.  This was the same sunblock I used last year. I threw it out.  I never went for the walk I had hoped to, and the sun went behind clouds most of the afternoon, as if she were sorry I'd not gone walking in her sunbeams.


  1. Hello, I love the trees and the mandala. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week ahead!

  2. The mandala's are looking great. I sandwich flat things between sheet rock to keep them flat and drying evenly. I wonder if you sandwiched them between sheet rock, with a thin layer of foam over the carved area, would help keep them flat...
    My mother and daughter have both had sunscreen reactions. Like you, they could use one brand for awhile, then months later had a reaction to it. Allergies are so frustrating!

    1. I've heard about the sandwich between 2 sheet rocks, and yet I don't want them drying very fast since I'm wanting to carve before it gets dry. With my breathing problems, I need to carve all at leather hard stage. I tossed the circular pieces! Allergies sure are frustrating.

  3. Quel bummer to suddenly be allergic to something! I hope you can find some suitable sun bock and get back outside again.

    1. I'm wearing a hat and long sleeves at this point. Will try some other name brand sunblocks soon.


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