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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Let's observe my own shadow self

Continuing a Tarot Card Reading and how my inner psyche relates to it!

Yep, as Karl Jung suggests, we carry around a shadow self, which we don't want to see, because it's the negative parts of oneself. (I like that there's also a bright shadow, the part that is good that I also deny existence to.)

My card to represent myself is none other than the Emperor. Yikes! It's a Trump card (pardon the intentional pun!) So much as I dislike the man, I must have some of what he is within me. How terribly distasteful to me. I've often tried to find a way to give love and forgiveness to him for his being another human...and I fail terribly because I won't ever forgive the hurts he is responsible for causing for so many others. There are so few redeeming qualities in the man, I find it a challenge to see how a dear relative can support him.

But to see my own Emperor qualities is my task today.  Am I detached from my feelings?  I cried when I read the blog a few days ago of a friend blogger who's dog died.  That started my day.

I may avoid some of my angry feelings about the government's misadventures (to put it mildly.)

Am I rigid? OK, perhaps a bit. I like my life simple and with just enough free time that I can stop and do something different every few days.  I do like having control over my life...which any day could tumble into a state of disease with crisis....and then I'd either be dead or under the control of medical professionals.

Am I afraid? Yes, of the end of this life as I know it...through disaster, through a government which seems bent on hurting those I support, through my personal crisis as I mentioned, of being victimized in any way.

Am I defensive? I have been many times in the past. I don't want to ever be hurt the way I have in the past, so I do defend myself pretty strongly when I get the hint that anything might go that way. I'm vulnerable in so many ways.

My positive message is to get in touch with my inner child and connect back to nature...the opposite of the Emperor.  Unfortunately I have to shield my eyes so I don't pay any attention to the dangerous childishness of Trump...which is more scary than fun.


  1. Since using Chrome for my internet engine (rather than Firefox) I noticed I couldn't post comments, because it was blocking pop-ups. That has it's good uses, but I had popup comments. So now I've got embedded comments. What a way to start the day!

  2. Great post, so honestly written. I agree, Trump is scary.


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