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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Looking for inspiration

I sometimes look within for take me to new ideas, and to suggest things I may have forgotten about myself.  This week the form of question was in reading Tarot Cards.  I have done this many years...and very seldom offer to do card readings for others, so I consider myself an amateur.  But I find that the Jungian theory (Karl Jung) of shadow self and the unconscious having messages that I can listen to, provides information that may be of use to me.

I'm reminding myself that there is a dark shadow (that part of myself that I don't know much about, but others can frequently see) as well as a bright shadow (also mostly invisible to me) of my unconscious.  I shuffle the cards and think how I want to focus my question to the universe.  I'm thinking about aging and changes.  That is all.

I keep the question in my mind as I shuffle the cards, and then start turning them over and placing them on the cloth.

I spread the cards in a familiar and ancient pattern called the Celtic Cross. I'll share here for the next few days how this spread talks to me, and what I think of it!  It took maybe an hour the first time, and now I'm typing the details here, after taking photos of the cards.  I use the Motherpeace deck by Vicki Noble, all cards made on circles of cardboard. I skip the idea of reversed cards that way, since I turn them all facing upright.


  1. I have never seen round tarot cards. I will be interested to hear what you have to write about this week.

  2. Ah, aging -- a though never fr from my mind.


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