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Sunday, July 7, 2019

How did I get here?

Come along with me this week as I explore a Tarot Card Reading and how my inner psyche relates to it! Yes very personal, but also political, environmental and even somewhat humorous.

There's a card placement called "the things that have gone before."

For this reading, the Strength card came up. So there is a history of sorts when dealing with my basic question of aging and changes...of having a strength to help me.

That's a bit reassuring.This card lets me know that in the past I've been able to stay grounded/centered and connected to others. It reminds me to continue to listen to and observe what the animal and natural kingdoms have to tell me. After all, they've been through this before...whatever challenges are coming are just part of a continuing cycle of changes, birth, life, death, birth...


  1. Hello,

    I like the card, reminding a person to listen to and observe the nature and animal kingdom. Enjoy your day and new week!

  2. easier to recognize changes, harder to live by them; the yellow flower looks like hypericum or St. John's Wort


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