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Friday, July 5, 2019

Ground and connect to earth energies

What is the root of the question? That which comes to me from the earth, welling up to connect with my quest and keep me firmly standing on the earth.

The two of Discs, a young woman is depicted on the card, who is raising twin babies.  I think of my twin aspects - the dark vs. light shadows.  Can she tell me more about them? She reminds me that as I'm juggling a busy life as she does, it's important to stay grounded or centered.  Since the placement in the spread is that which is connected to earth energies, it's a twin energy of being doubly important to keep my feet firmly on the considering my question.

Being grounded. What does that mean to me? Standing firm in what I believe is right and true. Standing up to those who hurt others, and knowing that I have a source within me that is the same source as all earth energies.

1 comment:

  1. As a potter, working with clay and centering it, you should be quite grounded.


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