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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Why march?

Well a couple hundred people (maybe as many as 500 at a farthest guess) met and marched up and down State Street in Black Mountain, NC on last Sat. morning.

First many thanks to the organizers.  It was planned and implemented better...after all, we'd had a year to look at the glitches.  Much better sound system.  And better way to march through town. Police presence was supportive and active, traffic wasn't stopped for very long. Well planned, but speeches still were too long. My feet hurt from standing on damp cold ground (grumbling of old lady here!) 

Excellent prep-work by these 4 youngest speakers, who said what they believed in very well.

Author Nancy Polling gave her views which were on target.

Our state representative, John Ager- he's an elected representative of us!

 And I was looking for coverage on the 6 o'clock news from that drone that attracted our attention about halfway through the speeches! Nothing was said about Black Mountain, because Asheville had a great march, but it wasn't covered either, except as a little blip without any videos! WLOS you really let us down!

Did I mention (since this is an archive for history) that this happened the day after the government shut down in DC because the politicians couldn't agree on a budget for it? Yep.  The politicians continue to get paid, but not their staff, nor the military which is not to stop doing their duty.

A multi-generational crowd. 

Turnout was about a half of what we had last year, even though it was warmer.  But last year I think we all were more in a state of disbelief and anger, the shock hadn't worn down at all.  This year there were still many issues, and even more than we had last year.  The "Me Too" movement has happened, with so many women speaking their strength.

 Yes, I want to be counted among those who care enough about our future to take part in a grass-roots kind of say women are strong and can combat the political dilemma that we're in these days...we can get voters to change some of these things.  And I was glad to see men participating also.

After gathering in Town Square at 9:30, by 10 we began the actual march, down one side of State Street and then back up the other (about 4 blocks total).

 Well, some of the signs had more serious intentions than others!

 Ice hadn't all melted in the fountain yet, but it was in the 40s at least.
The Sahara Peace Choir began the proceedings at 9:30 by singing some appropriate songs, that's Linda Metzner leading us on the far left singing!  Then that choir went to Asheville to start their march at 11 am.
Energetic Sarah Vekasi helped organize the march.

Little girls in super heroine capes, and a female Marine in full dress uniform...what a great combination!

 Environmentalists, feminists, proponents for the Equal Rights Amendment, Health Care, Education, Right to Abortion, Immigrants Rights, LGBTQ rights, many more, just think of anything that the GOP and this administration is stomping upon, and there were signs showing our objections.

It was great to have marchers going on both sides of State Street, with almost no traffic going through!

Today's quote:
Thank you, Black Mountain!  As our slogan says, "Black Mountain is the little Town That Rocks!"


  1. It looks like a great turnout! Good for you for marching and thanks for sharing your photos.

  2. A good turnout despite being half of last year! Boo that the news didn't give coverage. Thank you for marching.


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