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Thursday, January 18, 2018

One more stalk!

 There were two stalks of Amaryllis which bloomed at the beginning of the year. (Jan 13) I cut them back when the flowers died, because usually leaves come out of the bulb next.

Jan 15
This plant decided to produce one more stalk, so I'll gladly welcome another bloom!

Jan 16

 Jan 17 snow greeted me when I woke up, and continued to come down till around noon. Pretty little accumulated, but it stopped my going anywhere.  The trucks still zoom by on the interstate (I-40) in the least in one direction. You know what that means...probably some accident going the other way has clogged up the traffic.
Progress on Miss Amyrillis on Jan 17, much slower than the earlier blooms!

My purple shamrock frequently has blossoms...tiny little whitish-lavendar flowers.  This has been a strange plant which kept looking like it was dying, (there's no drainage in that pot) and so I kept cutting back on watering it.  And I kept stuffing the dead leaves into the pot.  That was just what it needed.  There's probably a couple inches of dirt, and at least that much of dead branches and leaves...and it just keeps on being happy in a winter window.  In the summer it is happy without direct sunshine!

And one more shot just after publishing...Jan 18.

Today's quote:

Our bellies can be wonderful monitors of our emotional health and the truth can always be found there.


  1. nice to have a flower to cheer up this winter; I think some of my outdoor plants may not make it with this cold, my rosemary looks pitiful, ugh

  2. Very pretty! I like seeing the snow too. My amaryllis plants are all in the ground in my front flower bed just waiting for spring. They were given to me over 30 years ago by my grandfather and they still bloom every year, reminding me of him!

  3. I love watching amaryllis in progress -- Beautiful at every stage.


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