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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Anniversary of my first post

2010, eight years ago, I first posted in this blog, which was called first edition, because I wanted to change a few things along the line, back in 2012.

I also deleted a lot of my early clay efforts, which were more a learning experience than products that I wanted to see around still.  You know how that is.

The new version, which is what you're looking at now, has had 1293 posts. The older one only has 191 posts left.

And there aren't that many pottery bloggers out there any more.

I was thrilled to meet two of them this summer in Seagrove, NC.  And I think I'll meet a couple more at some shows this fall.  I'm looking forward to it.

So I hope you might consider writing a blog, or at least reading mine every once in a while.


Oh, and here's my first post, as well as my comment that I added later.

Monday, October 4, 2010

beginnings come from endings

There are so many beginnings, endings, changes.  Almost everything in the following pictures has been sold.  I'm no longer going to be working in the community studio I've been in for 2-1/2 years after this week.

Alchemy of blog.  Celebration of the elemental nature of clay sculptures and pots.  Knowing a possible joyful suprise can come out of the kiln, or a grotesque mistake that I couldn't possibly have created.  Both are possible.  When I studied ceramics in the 80's, I learned to expect anything.  I made things with reverence, thinking "everything is holy" and then released them, thinking "nothing is holy."

I'm dealing with knowing I'm the Crone.  Hecate, the guide, the wise one who can give directions when asked by others.  Unfortunately most everyone doesn't ask.  Most everyone is in a rush, using GPS, or just wishing slow old me would get out of their way.  Some even say "excuse me" as they run around me to ...whatever.

I had a croning ceremony several years ago.  But this is the year when I'm feeling that I've become related to the hag, the elder who should have respect, who knows answers.
I need to remind myself a lot of the time as well.

Today I gently confronted someone who discounted my feelings and hurt me.  Perhaps it was unintentional.  I begin to wonder each time this kind of thing happens as very possibly intentional, from a person who likes to control rather than be direct.  It causes me to examine things closer, to see what made me feel that way, as opposed to feeling joy or just sorrow.  The dispair, the hurt feelings, all arise suddenly and seem to to me to mean I'm not important enough for someone to have communicated honestly with me.  Not that I think I'm unimportant...but somehow a lot of folks in the world do.  At least that's the feeling that comes up.

So I will enjoy being invisible for a while.  There are lots of advantages...

1 comment:

  1. I was wrong...I returned to the BMCA studio within a few months. I've left and returned several more times in the last 3 years...just a footnote to this post to make it accurate.


  1. I think your blog was one of the first ones I connected to when I started my own blog. I haven’t posted much. Lately because we have been doing a lot of catch up with the house and yard, none of it very interesting
    I always enjoy reading your posts. FB is fine, but detail and how t A blog is much more satisfying.
    And yu don’t have to put up with blocking all the crappy comments.

  2. Hello, the pottery is beautiful. Happy Blog anniversary! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. Thanks for stopping to say something, which is a personal connection that we bloggers have. Yes you can comment all over the place on FB, but as Suzi says, it is among all kinds of criticism and others sharing their angst more often. I guess I've been lucky to only have a few spammers, and moderating the comments means that I can cut them right out. However, I find the process still a bit cumbersome on I understand how it's sometimes hard to post regularly, and I appreciate it even more.

  4. Hi Barb :) Love your very first blog post! So real indeed :) Aging is like going into the kiln yourself I think - you never know what's going to come out..either for good use, or falling apart, in need of a makeover. :) LOLOLOL And then you learn that either way is ok. And sometimes that wisdom we thought we had also burns up in the kiln, and we have to begin anew each time we've been "fired" - finding a new wisdom and a new way of being in the world - our own alchemy. At least that's been my experience... for what it's worth... Looking forward to browsing through "Alchemy of Clay" and seeing your pottery!

  5. So today's task, to find out how people get comments to post right away onto their blogs, and are not hidden behind that "so many number of comments" tag. I'm not sure what setting does that. I'm not moderating them any more, so I hope that helps. Any suggestions, fellow bloggers?

  6. Happy blog-anniversary.

    All the best Jan


Thanks for your comments...