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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Tiny vases with different faces

Small cup with infinity in red on one face, then some pretty brown grasses on the other three sides...
Some different looks for a simple little vase...which is colorful all the way around...the next 3 photos are the same vase!

Tiny love cup, with little curls and swirls of brown on the rest of the white surface.

A test of a chocolate brown underglaze, simple little vase.

Yes these glazes are all food safe. The clay is Laguna's B-Mix. White liner is our studio's Satin White.


  1. Delightful! Looks like many of them coul be used as mini drink cups.
    One of our favorite, if not often indulged, drinks is a shot of whisky over an ice cube in a mini cup.

  2. small is just as much a challenge as big

  3. Thanks for's so hard to catch them now on Blogger. But if I don't moderate, I get spammed like crazy...however, Blogger has stopped notification when comments come in, so it's catch as catch can. GZ is right, making, and then trimming and then glazing is just a much work on small cups/vases. Then nobody wants to pay more than $10 for them cause of our economic mind-set that small is less value than large. Argh!


Thanks for your comments...