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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Fabulous music from the roots of North Carolina

I was chasing around looking for something, when thank you dear computer, it just clicked onto the following song by Rhiannon Giddens and the Carolina Chocolate Drops.  Don't ask me where it came playing games with me.

Rhianon Giddens and the Carolina Chocolate Drops video

Rhiannon's new studio album Freedom Highway is out now!

I have seen the Chocolate Drops, and have watched Rhiannon's career zooming as her talent deserves.  I actually saw them/listened to them after that YouTube video was made, and here's their home page.

Here I'll share one more of hers.
Louisana Man From 2016 on Austin City Limits

"Know thy history. Let it horrify you; let it inspire you. Let it show you how the future can look, for nothing in this world has not come around before. These songs are based on slave narratives from the 1800s, African American experiences of the last century, and the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Voices demanding to be heard, to impart the hard-earned wisdom of a tangled, difficult, complicated history; we just try to open the door and let them through." -- Rhiannon Giddens

Well this has wandered a bit hasn't it.. So my blog posts often seem to go.  Hither and thither!


  1. Sorry that second link doesn't work and I can't figure out where it went...but do google around and find some more of her wonderful music!

  2. my computer did an update glad to know it isn't that, cause it was last time, will do a search.

  3. I love Rhiannon Giddens. She has an amazing voice. I had the opportunity to hear her sister perform Greensboro a couple of weeks and I was sorry that I had to pass it up. My friends said she is also very talented.


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