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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

More bounties of the season

 The yucca has just about finished its blooming for this year.

 Soon to be a zucchini!

Just look at those fat purple beans...

In the shady area, some lettuce is doing ok.

Other squash (or maybe cucumbers) aren't doing much but blooming yet.

 No beans just blossoms...
 Kale that needs to be picked soon!

Some kind of lettuce I think.

The veggie bed with a couple of bare patches...we're working on them.  Planted a new crop of beans in one area, and some posies in the shady area.


  1. Mmm, purple beans are good! And I like zucchini too.

  2. Our yucca has only bloomed once. We have about six that grow in a cluster near the end our our driveway. I think we don't spend enough time clearing out the underbrush that grows around it. If my memory serves me correctly, one bloomed the year we took care of it. Those purple beans look great!

  3. Looking good! Beautiful purple beans!

  4. Your garden cheers my day. I cannot grow things very well so always happy to see the evidence of those who can.

  5. Looking at your garden makes me miss my garden!

  6. I enjoy the fact that this garden belongs to the Tomahawk Senior Center, and is maintained by Dave Bush, a Master Gardener. He told me today that they harvested the purple beans and they tasted great. I'm so glad he got the fruits of the labor. I have eaten a bit of the lettuce, which is bolting by now. Thanks everybody who has commented! It's great to see what you have to say!

    1. Sorry to give the wrong name, it's the Lakeview Center for Active Aging. Our dear director for activities has just resigned, moving to work in a nearby town for her career.

  7. Wow that looks great! My beans aren't even blooming yet! So nice to see your garden bounty!


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