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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Friday, June 1, 2018

Happy June first

Happy first of June! Rabbit rabbit, for those who want someone to wish them good luck.

As of the last weekend, our community pool was opened for weekends...until school is out.  Then it will have hours daily (I think middle of the month).  School always lets out later in the year when there have been many snow days when school was canceled.  There was something about making the school days have an extra so many minutes, so each class could have an extra 5 minutes or something, and that would eventually equal another day.  Sure, that would.  Like when kids sit watching movies on a Saturday to make up for lost education. It's lost.  Literally, they lost something that they might have needed to learn.

Enough of my ranting about the sorry state of our state in educating the future citizens.

Here's a new pot.  Lemniscate design again...a.k.a. an infinity symbol.
I like using the plum glaze when it flows over the white satin glaze.

And I'll leave you with some joy from my visit to the Flower Bridge in Lake Lure, NC, about 25 miles from Black Mountain.

 Pink cup flowers (washed out color by bright sun I'm afraid.)

As I kept walking along I'd lift my head to see the point of rock center of this photo, Chimney Rock with the walkway of a straight horizontal line just to the left of it.  At times I could see the flag waving on top of that free-standing rock...and some tiny tourists.  Wish I'd brought a zoom camera.


  1. Sorry if I missed posting comments lately...blogger suddenly stopped sending your comments to my email!

  2. I really like the pot in the first picture. I'm still not getting comments to my email address.

  3. We did see some rabbits yesterday....


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