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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Past the first blush of spring

 After a week of rains, and now a couple of days without, most of the path up from the lower parking lot to the studio is just green and more green. (Not that I'm complaining!)
A bit of Mountain Laurel greets me still.

And someone gifted the studio with some wonderful peonies...which if I bury my nose into them, I can smell their wonderful scent.

I won't promise that this is the last of my wedding photos that I'm bringing to my collection, but I couldn't miss the children of the royals!  Just think what they will think of these photos when they are grown!

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