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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Saturday, May 19, 2018

From up high, do you look up or down?

Not having to rough it, we climbed a paved path curving up to the top...

It was a clear day with great vistas available

Still out of breath and glad to go slow to the top.

 Dr. Mitchell's tomb is right below the deck.

Great photo dioramas tell which peaks are which from the observation deck.  See other posts of mine about Mount Mitchell, (look at list of topics in right column.)

I'm not quite as adventuresome as these guys...but the theme's the same.  Come over to see what other's have contributed to Sepia Saturday.


  1. Such beautiful views. Must have been breathtaking in person.

    1. Sometime I go and it's not so great with all tall mountains, it tends to get clouds as the day goes on, especially in summer.

  2. Worth the climb for such stunning views!

  3. The last time I was there I pushed a wheelchair with my wife's handicapped cousin all the way up to the observation tower. It brought a new definition to the word breathtaking!

    1. Oh's all I can do to push myself up the ramp!

  4. Stunning. How long does it take to reach the top?

    1. From parking lot, walking up the long steep ramp (which has a bench about a third of the way up for a resting place) it doesn't take that long...especially if you're in shape. For me and my panting friends, (remember the air is thinner up there) it took about 10 min. Really do-able!

  5. Looks like a great outing. Ten minutes is about right. The views are gorgeous.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous scenery. I'm not surprised you made the climb to see it!


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