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Thursday, October 8, 2015

It took a village...

Cathy loaned me a hand truck which saved my back (for a while).

Several people helped by taking things that were too big to keep...Jessie and her daughters have the 30 gallon fish tank, Tim has the hide-a-bed couch.

Patti didn't even know me but volunteered to pack after church one day.

Pat took my shift as a volunteer at the BMCA studio so I could keep on packing.

Teresa came for coffee and ended up packing pottery, several weeks before the move, continuing weekly afterward to unpack.

Helen packed once, then loaded her car full and carried the boxes inside the new apartment.  She then packed again, and offered me a love seat (yet to be moved until I find two able bodied volunteers.)

Pam packed and packed and packed the kitchen things.  Just get one more little thing into this corner of this box!

The mascot of the move...a slug which came inside on the tarp, which never got dry enough to use!
Susan cleaned out and swept the shed area which would have been hard for me to breathe sweeping...and then she carried the trash around the house.

Several people offered the use of pickups, but the rain ruled out their usefulness.  Thank you Mary, especially, who even got the flu, but offered before she got sick.  I hope you're feeling well now.

Tim did much more than remove shelving...carrying things...getting soaked.

Molly packed pottery for me, then came back on one of the short hours when it wasn't pouring rain and carried all my clothes over to the apartment, as well as the boxes!

Chuck was so wet moving things he said the water had seeped inside his waterproof boots down the legs of his trousers so his socks were soaked.

Jim offered to help late in the day after a meeting he was scheduled to attend, and called to see if I still needed him, during the deluge from Joaquin, but after all but the very last boxes had been moved.

Charles and Chuck lugged the big old mattress and box spring out to the curb.

Tai, well you've probably read my prior post of great appreciation for a guy who traveled 800 miles to schlep his mom's old stuff a mile each way in pouring rain.  (In a vehicle of course!)

Gail offered me a bed frame and dresser which would fit in my new apartment...which were carried downstairs and then into the apartment by my dear special friends and relations!

For this old lady...I have a heart so full of gratitude.  And lots of unpacking to do!
If I forgot anyone, it's my poor brain, not that you didn't give me wonderful help!

Quote for today:

Great talents are the most lovely and often the most dangerous fruits on the tree of humanity. They hang upon the most slender twigs that are easily snapped off.   
Carl Jung


  1. that's what friends are for...we couldn't have done our move, even though it was only 200 yards,and the shed reconstruction, without three friends.

    1. The "village to raise children" applies equally to adults or seniors who are doing something outside the normal routine.

  2. Replies
    1. It's really embarrassing, isn't it? But they each (well most of them) gave an hour of time...which was so helpful, but not too hard on them. And of course I'll be available to do the same if they every need it. Time and talent is what it's all about.

  3. sounds like you have some very generous friends and family... may you be very happy in your new home

    1. I have always admired people who give to neighbors and friends, and am so very grateful for these folks. Thanks.

  4. Why does the weather always do its best to outwit us when it is time to move.
    Glad you survived Joachim's rain in one piece.
    I think a lot of us are looking forward to more photos. That little balcony is sweet/

    1. Yes, and there will be some more photos soon...maybe before everything is put away. Dream on, to wait until EVERYTHING is put away. THis little apartment is snug, and I'll soon find a place for everything. But first there are some necessities which I'm missing!

  5. You had such a wonderful crew that pulled it all together to get the job done. Some people like to organize it and I am sure it was well organized but the ones who just wanted to get the job done really plugged away. It is nice that you are in now.

  6. what a great community of friends you have. We need more folks like this in our world -- barbara

  7. Well, I'm at last back on the internet and catching up with your big move. How fortunate you are in your friends and your son! The new place looks great -- love those wonderful shelves that you are filing with your creations!

    1. Thanks Vicki, and congrats to being "connected" again. The shelves are sure filling up fast. Now it's time to put away my first load of laundry from the convenient laundry room.


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