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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Summertime beauty

 I bet you thought I was going to post some flowers.  Or maybe a gorgeous landscape.  Ha!
This lovely young beauty posed for a July 4 celebration, I am guessing, because I can't remember.  She is a cousin of mine, who has recently been in touch again after *** years.  I'm so glad to see her smiling face from this visit back then.  Unfortunately it's the only shot I have, and there were other cousins also there, who I missed getting photos of.

 OK, here is the butterfly bush.  I really haven't seen any butterflies to speak of this year.

I still am waiting for the sunflower to bloom.  It's over 6 feet tall now.

OK, here are the flowers, for another kind of beauty.

Today's quote:

We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.
Dakota proverb


  1. I did think you were going to post a flower, ha

  2. Hi Barb - I've been missing again - explained why on my post this morning. Love your photos today, especially the last one!!

  3. How lovely to get in touch with your cousin again Barbara. A similar story, I have recently been in touch with one of mine. Lovely photos in this blog post. Thanks for visiting my travel journals, your comment made me chuckle because I have just put my last one up and there may be a few more there as I just wanted to finish my travel posts. Have a great week :)


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