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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! Enjoying my newest Charlie Tefft mug, by the TV streaming fireplace!

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Spontaneously Wordless Wednesday

Sign says Gorelick Social Hall (ok, a few words)


  1. never saw windows like you've shown the a shelf that folds down. hum

  2. Great angles in those interior shots!

  3. Hello, I found you via Time Goes By. I am Linda Crim on Facebook, Miss_Dazey on Twitter. Are you on either? I love social media, I have met so many people through it.

  4. Gary...come back tomorrow for more!
    Hi Michele and LInda and Vicki...glad you could stop and always!
    Hi Linda Crim, I've friended you on FB, don't do Twitter, however. Glad to have you visit!


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