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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Beautiful paintings and clay sculptures

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More joy to share with you from my recent trip to Santa Fe NM. (I shared some of the O'Keeffe works Here.) In the Georgia O'Keefe exhibit are also some lovely pottery sculptures...abstract and with detailed finishing that I've never seen before. The museum's description of this exhibit is...
"As part of its ongoing Contemporary Voices series, the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum presents work by Ken Price (1935-2012). One of the foremost American sculptors of his day, Price was also an accomplished graphic artist. Ten ceramic sculptures by Price, a longtime resident of Taos, New Mexico, will be displayed on pedestals throughout the Museum’s galleries. The organic, sensual forms, and chromatic complexity of Price’s sculptures will be paired and juxtaposed with O’Keeffe’s still life and landscape subjects, inviting visitors to view both artists in a new light. Watercolors by Georgia O’Keeffe will be presented alongside kindred works on paper, an homage to the high desert, by Ken Price.
I had to chase down the biographical information that told of her last 13 years having an assistant (Juan Hamilton) who was a potter and helped her write her biography, and who was designated to receive a substantial portion of her estate. The family contested that will and settled with Hamilton. I just wanted to clarify that Ken Price had not been that young man.

 I tried shining my phone's flashlight into the black hole, and it was so black that I couldn't see anything...


  1. If you’re a beginner looking to start creating pottery, it can be daunting, simply because when you start out, there are so many references and so much jargon that it can be hard to understand. But I’ll tell you here how to start creating pottery with clay, why it matters, and some of the tools that you’ll want to get started.

    Pottery is a fun hobby for many people that’s been around for thousands of years. In fact, it’s something early civilization used to help create vessels that they used to transport goods.
    If you’re wondering why you should try creating pottery, it can be due to the following:
    • It’s fun
    • It’s relaxing
    • It lets you get your hands dirty
    • It can be used to help relieve stress
    In our world, handmade adventures and goods are something few people do these days. It’s more of a specialty action, rather than something you can learn.
    Now, I don’t suggest doing this for money or anything, at least not initially. Instead, do it because it’s fun, and you want to learn how to do it.
    The best pottery learning service

  2. ...Georgia O'Keefe's work is always a treat to see and I like the introduction to Ken Price's work.

  3. I always love O'Keefe and that clay work by Price is amazing!

  4. Hello, I have always loved Georgia O'Keefe's art work. The clay pieces are interesting. Thanks for sharing.
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!


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