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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

Pumpkins, Jack-O-Lanterns, Trick or Treats, scary stories...houses decorated with candles and ghosts.

For me it's a joyful holiday which includes honoring my ancestors.  It's the end of the farming season, and many of my ancestors were farmers.  They take in the hay and store it for the animals over the winter.  Then gather those pumpkins, dig the sweet potatoes before the first frost, and store them in a cool dark place.

I grew sweet potatoes and was out digging in my raised bed at the Carver Community. Center last week.

Here are some photos to share, as well as nice dirty potatoes!

Before, some of the leaves have shriveled from frost already

What will lie beneath the vines and weeds?

Not very promising at furthest reaches of the roots!

Out of focus, but most potatoes apparently are right at the vine's connection to roots, I call this the Turning Point, where on a cellular level there are roots going one way, and vine going the other...strange happening in every plant!

Not too promising, many skinny roots, only a few fat enough to be called a potato

And that's my haul.

I gave away a few to a friend!  And these are in my cool dark cupboard waiting for me to enjoy!

 Will I go water them every other day again next summer? Nah.  The tomatoes didn't produce, and I got tired of all the basil (some is still growing inside now)...and I mainly enjoyed the big sunflowers.  I'm going back to pots for gardening on my porch next year.

Today's quote:

What would you attempt if you knew you couldn’t fail?
– Robert Schuller


  1. those look delicious to me, I've never grown potatoes before; and I completely forgot it was halloween

  2. Sounds like a lot of work for not much yield. But you do have those potatoes to enjoy.

  3. That's why I'm not planning to do it next year! Happy Halloween everyone!


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