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Friday, October 6, 2017

Early Fall walk along a river

 A very shallow river, the Little River, tumbles over several beautiful falls (not pictured here)...on it's way to the sea.

 Joe Pie Weed going to seed, here it's very different from the similar plant, the Milkweed.

Joe Pie Weed seeds

Milkweed seeds

Milkweed seed pods

These lovely blue and black butterflies love some salts or minerals in the dirt

 Photos of the Little River between Triple Falls and Hooker Falls, a nice walk for us seniors!
Sumak is on of the first colors of fall. Don't pick, because some varieties are poisonous.

Tent caterpillars are going like crazy this year, but there're more red leaves also.

Quote for today: (I'm returning to adding these quotes because it helps me to have perspective in my life...I hope you enjoy them also.)

There is freedom in admitting that you don't know something as that allows for a new learning experience to emerge. Madisyn Taylor

1 comment:

  1. great photos, I thought of you the other day there was a satellite photo taken from space of butterflies migrating en masse, amazing


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