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Friday, October 27, 2017

Into life, a little rain must fall...

I've planned, prepared, made new pottery, and started the packing for the show on Saturday.

But I've also watched the weather forecast as it gets closer to Saturday and it will include cold rain.  The forecast says 100% chance of rain.  There's an hourly forecast at Wnderground Weather which says 60% chance of rain in Black Mountain as of 10 am, rising to 70% by noon, and 100% by 2 pm.

So after careful consideration and discussion with my clay partner, Cathy Babula, we've decided to cancel our booth for this Art by the Tracks show.  We hope to come back in the spring for the next show sponsored by the Old Depot.

I am relieved because of my precarious breathing health, which might have been stressed too much by a cold rainy day and putting a wet tent away, loading cinder blocks onto Cathy's truck, loading my car with crates of pots and tables in the rain, etc.

So I hope that all of the blog followers will forgive us for not selling our new pottery at the show this Sat.  We are both very sorry that we can't take part in this delightful show.

Cathy will have her latest pottery at the Mud Buddies booth at the Tailgate Market on each Sat. morning until Thanksgiving

I will have a few of my new pieces at Holly Jolly, a Friday evening holiday celebration in Black Mountain on Dec. 1, inside on the third level of the Black Mountain Center for the Arts.

We next share a booth at an indoor pottery Marion NC at the high school on Saturday, Dec. 2.  So perhaps you'll have a chance to visit that show!

In the meantime, I'll keep letting you see my latest works.

Another chip 'n dip bowl, with different shades of green to black! $45

Today's quote:
Stop running from the ferocity of your own Being...
Burn off all your own games to that in you which is
Pure Intensity...
When you meet the very Core of your Being
become completely loyal to the deepest passion in you
and allow no more waste of time - find that devotion
to Reality [Truth] within yourself...

Aisha Salem


  1. A relevant quote, thankyou.
    Good sense to cancel-you'll always get complaints...and you wonder, would they really have bought instead of browsed? Health comes first

  2. Sorry about the rain coming; I didn't go to last week's Saturday booth nor will I this saturday, even though it's covered selling since Gary isn't here to help me, too much work, I hope I can make up for it the first week of December.


Thanks for your comments...