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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Ugly Duckling Baby Dragon


Matt Bronze Green glaze applied, and hopes that the bare clay will be sort of a tanish color against the glaze

Instead, it's an orangish color with very muted greens. I don't like that the body construction became more evident, so his little legs are almost invisible.

My conclusion is that the ugly duckling baby dragon just got uglier!

Today's quote:

Try not to expect perfection when starting out on a spiritual path or attaining inner peace.


  1. Replies
    1. And yet, the parents of the ugliest babies still love 'em!

  2. I think it is kind of cute. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  3. There is a certain charm.about. it. Perhaps do an adult version, growing into an elegant dragon? Suzi/smartcat

    1. Ah, suggestions that take an ugly duckling dragon into the beautiful swan dragon...yet to be invented!


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