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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The finny world

 Above are the 3 guppies (one male, two females)  I always like having baby guppies, but am not putting much effort into raising any (yet).

 And below are the three neon tetras.

 I have a map to put up as a backing, so the wires won't show through the water.  I'm happy to have some new Rogers kids living with me. Hope that I've located the tank far enough from windows (and replaced gravel and plastic parts) so as to avoid the green algae that was a problem last year!

 Look for Mt. Mitchell and just swim up there!

There, the map makes a darker background!


  1. Yes, the tetras really pop against the darker background.

  2. I have always liked neon tetras, haven't had any since I was a kid. My little betta is the only pet I have right now. I do enjoy him and the small tank is easy to take care of. Good luck with your new friends!

    1. I enjoy seeing bettas too, but haven't had much luck keeping them alive - glad you have though!


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