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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, August 4, 2019

First bowl glazed, oops

My waxing wasn't even around the edges, which makes it look sloppy, but the real deal that makes it a "2nd" is the tiny crack that appeared in the center of the bottom, and doesn't go through, but keeps it from being food safe (stuff can grow in cracks, so don't drink out of that cracked mug any more.)

So another learning experience!


  1. Good advice about the cracked mug. Sorry about the oops, it is a pretty bowl! Happy Sunday, wishing you a great new week!

  2. So frustrating to have one stupid crack ruin all your work.
    The bowl is still a winner!
    I think it would be perfect for apples.

  3. worth firing to see how that waxing appears after firing...and as they say,practice....

    1. Now I want to go back over the edges and make the glaze line more perfect. Using a brush over a clear glaze to put wax on is too imperfect!

  4. Too bad about the crack, it's such a pretty bowl. Do you apply your wax on the wheel? I center the pot on the wheel with my giffen grip and apply thinned down wax with a brush.

    1. Great idea! We don' have a Griffen Grip at the studio...and it was a new bottle of wax...I usually just hold the pot in one hand and brush with the other. Unforunately the other 3 pieces may have already been loaded. I'll go check later this afternoon!

  5. I like the stamping! I'm sure you'll perfect that edging in future pieces.

    1. I'll take that as a vote of confidence to make more! Thanks!


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