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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

My other grand-dog.

A few years younger than Cody of Columbus, is Zora of Cortez...and she's a girl too.

My youngest son has had Zora about a year now...maybe going on 2.  She's also known for barking at the wrong times, which my son has tried to cure her of.  I haven't heard the latest report.  And I haven't had a chance to meet her yet.  I am pretty sure the cat still lives in that household too.

I shared about Cody of Columbus HERE.

I've got 6 wonderful people-grands also...and my 3 sons, and their ladies!

My family is big and just right. I won't see any of them at Christmas, but I don't do much for that holiday anyway.  I'll be celebrating Solstice on Dec. 21, the experience of celebrating the return of light after the longest night.  I have, however, bought presents for all of the family, and am about to wrap them!

Today's quote:
Once a country is habituated to liars, it takes generations to bring the truth back. -Gore Vidal, writer (1925-2012) 


  1. Aw, you have me missing our Australian cattle dog, Blue, our's would bark too if she saw any animals in the field, no matter how far away, deer, cattle, sheep, we could never break her of it, it was in her instinct to herd animals. our other cattle dog, Bodie, never barked at animals, but if someone knocked on the door, look out; we gave him tennis balls to curb his animous at strangers, whenever he started to bark, we'd say "go get your tennis ball" and he'd run for one (we kept lots of them lying about) and he'd grab that ball and gnarl it aggressively till he calmed down.

  2. Hello,

    We are watching our grand-dogs now while my son is on a cruise. One of them is a barker, I wish I knew how to stop the barking. Zora and Cody are cuties.

    The quote seems to be perfect for today, I wish it was not true.

    Enjoy your day!

  3. A couple of fine looking dogs. A friend of mine had a dog that used to bark in the usual way if anyone knocked at the door. However if anyone just walked in without knocking - even a complete stranger - he took no notice at all. They should have had a sign "Burglars please knock!"


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