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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, November 11, 2018

More at the Red House Gallery

My three angels with attitudes on the mantle...

Somehow the label with the title, medium, prices and my name were not posted in a printed form like all the other artwork, so Susan made a hand lettered label for me.

 The front room has many beauties around...including my 3 angels on the mantle on the left end (behind the man's head, and they are practically invisible.) It's a good placement since everyone purchasing something comes to that desk to do business.

 There's a bare tree with many ornaments hanging on it.

 Ginni Moreland is a fabric artist, and here she is looking at other artists' works.

 An  upside down tree (as seen yesterday through the window) holds many ornaments for sale...

 ...including these 2 bright red ceramic ornaments made by yours truly...

The one of a dove hanging from a white ribbon (right over the red fabric heart) is another one of my creations.

This show will be up until the end of the year.  I'll have a few more pictures of the opening reception tomorrow.

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