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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

What makes this potter happy as a lark?

Meeting other potters who do production work!

Hi there Michele Hastings! We drove to Seagrove so I could meet some of my blogger friends.
And my dear friend, Martha, was great to drive me around to find the studios I wanted to well as the Pottery Center Museum. (We had to limit to just a few stops this time!)

I love!!! my new gingko mug~!!! It will remind me of our visit each time I have coffee!

 A working studio/shop combines different pottery needs.

And THEN...

 We were welcomed at Whynot Pottery by Meredith Haywood!

 Remember the old saying (which is absolutely true)...Potters are the friendliest people around!

And to remind me of my visit,  I have a new little tile of a giraffe which can hang somewhere at home.

Then we got a quick tour of the studio, and met Mr. Haywood (who was busy making pottery!)

I was interested in seeing how Meredith paints her tiles, on a cone 6 red clay with various commercial and mixed glazes.  Beautiful and detailed work!

I'll share a bit about the Pottery Center in Seagrove later...


  1. Great trip! Thanks for the photos.

  2. Hello, sounds like a lovely day visiting your pottery friends. The pottery is beautiful, I love your mug. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  3. Hi Barbara! It was great to meet you and Martha yesterday. Thanks for stopping in and spending some time with us. Enjoy the tile! Best, Meredith

  4. It was great to finally meet! Glad you were able to get to Meredith & Mark's pottery as well.

  5. Always intriguing to see how others organize their workshops...and showrooms!


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