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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! Enjoying my newest Charlie Tefft mug, by the TV streaming fireplace!

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Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Yep, I've closed, logged out, and don't see any reason to let those ads and those algorithms be part of my life any more.

I posted (well shared a post from 3 years ago) that popped up, and it was a black woman sculptor with her work, a nude man and woman not showing anything really controversial.  And after all, I'd posted it 3 years ago.

Then I was frozen out, could share other people's posts, and read them, but wasn't allowed to post anything on my own.

After an hour, where I reported it that I couldn't post on my own timeline, and when I observed a couple of underwear-clad women with other people's faces superimposed upon them, I decided that the kids running FB were not only patriarchal misogynists, but also racists.  No way I wanted to continue to be part of that organization.

So I'm following two of my sons' footsteps and not going to be on Facebook any more.
And that means I won't get those cute messages which it also runs.

I can still receive texts on my phone line.

I can still receive and send emails.

I can get my news of the world on various news apps.

But no longer deal with that narrow set of strictures, which became narrower and narrower.

So friends, see ya in the funny papers!


  1. more and more these tech giants are getting too big for their britches, recently I was told by fb that any comment I made was spam, when I posted saying so they stopped it. then I learned they are starting to use facial recognition (but robots will do the recognizing) to automatically tag folks in photos, the media is messing with our heads that's for sure. I really like clay buddies and think that group is beneficial and the selling site on fb. I have heard that on twitter and on youtube many folks are being blocked strictly for what party they belong to. No wonder many kids are messed up these days.

    1. I also am not interested in face recognition...why would anyone want that? Just watch all the TV shows where it's used by the law...sorry, but I still am against "Big Brother."

  2. sometimes they go overboard...nipples were the taboo visual at long as they were female!

    I'm sticking with fb, if only for the messaging...I've been chatting with half a dozen people simultaneously all round the globe tonight. I can see when they are on live ,that they've read my message....and the Linocut friends and Clay Buddies and other potters groups are so good for help and skillsharing.
    I don't physically get to see very many artists...
    Just wish more were blogging still....

    1. I agree, and will probably get back live with the groups...there's even a local pair here in Black Mountain which keep me up to date with lots of local happenings which aren't covered by the news on TV. Oh well.

  3. OK, I'm still posting my pottery blog there every day. So I want to share, is that a crime?


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