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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Friday, August 25, 2017

The latest Cats Doing Yoga

I confess I'm a potter, a sculptor, a person who dabbles in clay to give voice to whatever's on my mind.

For the last little while I've been making Cats Doing Yoga.  If you've looked at my blog in the last month, you might have seen them.  I have finished with this first batch, and not planning to make any more.

When Sepia Saturday asks for a post of people keeping trim, I must admit, I just want to share some of my cats!  Go HERE to see what other Sepians have come up with (at bottom of page where names are links to their blogs.)  And if you want to see more of my cats, look at the "page link" tab right under my header picture above.

Here are the latest Cats Doing Yoga.

There once was a time (a few million years ago) when I could do these poses.  Thus the sense that yoga knowledge never dies!


  1. I love these! And your cover photo is beautiful.

  2. your yoga cats are super and that pink rose, beautiful

  3. Replies
    1. It's easy when you're just bending some clay around. Cats seem to have their own limberness...not in yoga poses obviously!

  4. I can visualize my cat doing the second pose, but not the first.

    1. Yep, I often wonder how cats can bend the way the do, in reality!

  5. What an innovative "take" on this week's theme!

    1. Sorry I didn't have anything that came up of my older photos, so I cheated again!

  6. Replies
    1. If I knew dog anatomy as well as cats, maybe. But I haven't ever lived with dogs where I'd watch them for as much time as I watch cats...probably because they seem to be moving around more!

  7. Cool Cats !Graceful & Warm .'Love 'em!


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